The New Era - Meant to Be... (A Demo from The Walkersville Sessions)

Click on the artwork image (above) to bring you to the track on Spotify...

When faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, we are also faced with a choice, of either giving in to negativity and giving up (which is compassionately understandable in certain situations) or believing in something greater. Something that (very well may have possibly) put us here for a reason, if you will. And who has created everyone (and everything) with a purpose. (Notwithstanding the fact, that people, like a Hitler for instance, have the free will to selfishly distort that purpose. But that's beyond the scope of this post). And therefore, we would have to in response, listen to that still, small voice inside us; that gives us (especially the distressed, oppressed, persecuted, downtrodden, and the underdog) comfort, encouragement, and hope; and the inspiration, insight, wisdom, and faith, to know what is the truth. Something, that lets us know (despite everything that may be going on around us) that we are loved, and understood. That very thing, that quite possibly, may have set the stars in motion, created the Universe, the Sun, the Moon, the laws of nature, and the very world in which we live! And who is life itself. This (experimental, demo) track is somewhat about that experience, and belief; against all odds. Maybe you can relate...

As with the previous song, this was also an experimental track, using abstract lyric writing; recorded back in 2004, on my home Porta-Studio in Walkersville, Maryland...

Wow. See how it works? I am (intuitively) picking up something about the 'giving up' part (I wrote) above. Whew. Ya' know, its difficult to comprehend when you are cut from a different cloth and all. But its like people (you don't even know) who may want your demise (even though you've never done them any wrong) and for no apparent reason, other then the fact that they are just TOTALLY fu*ked up, and its like part of their particular (sad) culture; because, what I'm picking up, is kinda' like an Eric Rudolph type of psychology. Ya' know, like its in the genes or somethin'. Like a generational thing, I guess. TOTALLY freakin' sadistic. (Is the feeling I'm getting). Ya know, like totally devoid of any kind of empathy or compassion, that makes one human and all? Well, ya know, I'm currently in the mountains (like the glorified Appalachia part) of North Carolina. Big eye opener, in itself. Its like the wild west. (On acid!)

Although, of course, not EVERYONE is like that here. But never-the-less, there IS a HUGE corruption and crime problem here. FOR SURE. (Ya know, the natural born criminal/killer thing?) The feeling is kinda' like the psychology of that psychopath hillbilly in the Steven Seagal flick (Kill Switch) where the character Seagal plays, comes home, only to find his wife brutally murdered by this guy, who then attempts to taunt Seagal!!! (And the guy LIKES pain!) Needless to say, Seagal gave him what he wanted, and the beating he so sorely needed and deserved. (So, yep, you can be sure they're reading this). Its the perceived underdog thing I mentioned above. They LOVE seeming vulnerability, and perceived weakness to begin with. (It makes them cream their pants!)

It's also sorta like in the Steven Seagal flick: "Marked for Death", as I astonishingly found, it has like a bizarre, sick, dark, spiritual dimension to it, if you will: i.e. Ingles/Don't Forget Me Twitter Post. i.e. 'The Devil You Know' series on Hulu. Ya' know? Like sh*t for brains kinda' stuff...

Interesting YouTube podcast, related to the previous link, that further demonstrates that this sh*t is not only real, but also sorta' like a criminal related, dark, and disturbing part of certain backwater type cultures, that very well may also cross state lines: Pazuzu Algarad: The Clemmons House of Horrors...

For it seems, there's another strange thing I am picking up. And the reasoning behind it, is almost beyond description. Actually approaching like a demonic influence kind of thing. Whew. (I actually worked recently with somebody here who said that she wanted to go to hell!!! No shit. With God as my judge).

But anyway, in relation to this (I'm gonna go for it) and getting back to the subject matter of this post (and if you are cut from a different cloth as well) here are some really interesting quotes that I looked up (and remembered from years ago) from one of the Jewish wisdom books, that is one of the many things written there that has always given me some kind of comfort in some very difficult situations, in relation to what the author seems to strongly believe is the true nature of God; as the ancient and devout Jewish people have always believed in a 'personal', just and compassionate God, who delivered them from their oppressors (when they were like outnumbered) time and time again, throughout the generations; allegedly beginning with the ancient Egyptians. (Culminating in what is known as the feast of the Passover). And I know this is probably going to like REALLY piss them off (what I mentioned about what I was picking up above, that is) but dig this: This is actually in the Jewish Bible. (Well, the Apocrypha, as they call it. And studied by Kabbalists. And is also, in the Catholic Bible. And kind of amazing that I found it in the first place. As a kid anyway). But check this out. Its (just one of the many particularly interesting and powerful passages) from what is called the Book of Sirach...

"A beggar in distress do not reject; avert not your face from the poor. From the needy turn not your eyes, give no man reason to curse you; For if in the bitterness of his soul he curse you, his Creator will hear his prayer."

(Of course, you still have to use common sense; particularly if you're in a REALLY bad area, like the one I just described. I know this from experience, but that's besides the point. It's still a POWERFUL quote, if properly understood).

"For he is a God of justice, who knows no favorites. Though not unduly partial toward the weak, yet he hears the cry of the oppressed. He is not deaf to the wail of the orphan, nor to the widow when she pours out her complaint; Do not the tears that stream down her cheek cry out against him that causes them to fall? ..The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds; it does not rest until it reaches its goal, nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds, judges justly and affirms the right. God indeed will not delay, and like a warrior, will not be still. Till he breaks the backs of the merciless and wreaks vengeance upon the proud..."

INTERESTING and powerful stuff. There is a social justice school of thought (a mitzvah if you will) that seems to go back generations among the Jewish people, that can literally change the world, in my opinion. And maybe, just maybe, that's why Hitler wanted to destroy them. It was like a spiritual thing. Hitler was into the dark side of the occult. But that is also beyond the scope of this post. As my Uncle (God rest his soul) used to say: "Too Deep"...

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